I am sitting at the dock at Prince Rupert Yacht and Rowing Club, a couple days ahead of time. It has been an interesting four days.
I will try to catch up using separate posts for each day (after this one) so as to not confuse me or you.
I will however tell you about a bit of an interesting situation occurring here and in a few smaller towns in the area.
Apparently, this area received more snow this winter than any time since the 1950's. 50 to 60 feet in some of the mountains, according to the locals. A lot of the snow was late in the season , very wet and heavy. Now, of course it is rapidly melting. Two days ago the Skeena River washed out the only highway and the railroad. This town is now cut off from the rest of the world, at least as far as moving freight and goods by rail or road. Some places are already out of diesel and gas and the sources that have any are rationing their supply.
I went to the Safeway store and there is no milk, eggs or flour and very little fresh produce left in town. Everyone went into a bit of a panic and started laying in their supplies. I guess a couple of the smaller towns already have partial evacuation orders in place.
Prince Rupert is one of my planned fuel stops so I will have to wait to see if this problem will affect my plans. The next fuel stop is probably Ketchikan.
I am glad that you all are following along and I really enjoy reading your posts. It means a lot when you are traveling alone but can feel connected.
A Note; Verizon says they have cell service in Prince Rupert so long as you have the correct plan and jump through a couple extra hoops. Not true! The locals say no one gets Verizon service here and haven't for years. So, if anyone sees my wife, please tell her I'm patiently waiting for her in Prince Rupert. Thanks!
UPDATE! The Prince Rupert Coast Guard just broadcast a message; All marine fuel has been seized by the Navy and is being held for essential governmental purposes only! Ouch!
I have about 100 gallons of diesel I just purchased for $2.69 at Safeway. Is there any way I can fax it to you?
You get it here and we will split 400 or 500% profit!
Oh my goodness! The adventure continues. I am holding the thought for you that it's all right and perfect. Looking forward to reading what adventures you'll manifest next! :)
PS - I left Kristi a message last night - today's the wedding!
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