The trip north from Wrangell to Petersburg takes you through Wrangell Narrows. It is said there are more aids to navigation in Wrangell Narrows than anywhere else in Alaska. The narrows is about twenty nautical miles long with a winding and very shallow channel. We did not meet a single boat in transit but did encounter about fifty small sportfishing boats all congregated in a section about three miles long. The boats almost completely plugged off the channel and didn't seem to care that someone was trying to make their way north. I slowed down initially but few even acknowledged our presence and some even seemed to act like we were intruding. Virtually all north/south bound traffic uses this channel and so I imagine they get some exercise from bigger boats. I resumed cruising speed and took as direct a line as possible without actually running over someone. They didn't seem to mind.
Petersburg is a nice little town. There is a nice memorial park, an historic street and a slough with houses built on stilts. The harbor facilities are well laid out but are well used and in need of some updates. As you can see, some of the boats need a little updating also. Heavy current runs through the harbor and fueling facilities making demands on your boat handling expertise.
When you are on a long cruise, you tend to pay particular attention to little things like the quality and condition of showers. Here in Petersburg, I found what I think may be the perfect shower. It is built out of stainless steel, completely! I think my next boat might have a stainless steel dedicated shower with matching industrial stainless steel head. Maybe it is just a guy thing.
Tomorrow we are going to start looking for humpback whales and giant brown bears!
Hello Trying again to leave a comment, no luck last time. Enjoy reading your progress. I was in Roche selling my jewelry with little success due to weather. I blow seal on marine gear so boat is out of service for awhile. Regards Marco
It worked! Are you going to the Sundowner Event in Oct or are you heading back to Montana? Marco
Hello Marco,
I am not sure what my schedule might be at the time of the get together. I would like to attend somehow though.
I plan to head south from Juneau beginning on July 6 or 7. I am sorry to hear about the running gear problem.
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