Plans are firming up for the next portion of this cruise. We have decided that Juneau is the farthest point north we will venture. We will be in the Juneau/Sitka area for about two weeks and then head south.
Ginger’s son, Collin will fly to Juneau arriving on June 30th at midnight and will leave on the 6th of July. On the 27th we boarded the Alaska State Ferry M/V FAIRWEATHER, a fast ferry (32kts.) and went to Sitka. Sitka was on our itinerary but with the new plan, we could not make the run in DUNVEGAN from Juneau to Sitka and return within the time allotted. Our boat would take about four days each way and the fast ferry takes 4.5 hours each way.
The fast ferry runs only on odd numbered days so that is why the wait until Wednesday to go to Sitka. While Collin is here we will do some fishing on DUNVEGAN and possibly do a charter fishing trip on one day.
We also have a charter booked for a trip to Tracy Arm for the glaciers. The Tracy Arm trip would take three to four days also. One overnight at an anchorage at the mouth of Tracy, one day to run up the inlet and then overnight in the same anchorage, plus the time to get to the area. Also, it is not advisable to go into an area with so much ice in the water without a spare propeller due to the possibility of hitting ice and causing damage.
SITKA I must say, I am quite taken with Sitka. I think it is the nicest town we have seen in Southeast. If I was considering living in Alaska (and I am considering it!) it could very well be Sitka. I saw a statistic that said there is more sport caught salmon landed in Sitka than in all other fishing ports in Southeast combined! Halibut may have similar stats.
We had great weather while in Sitka so that always serves to skew one's impressions.
1 comment:
So... yes, I'm reading your blog instead of working. Oh wait... I'm on a lunch break, yes that's it. Thanks to you both for answering my questions... I appreciate it even though I'm sure Ginger is kidding about the whole "eyes migrating to one side of the head" thing. How gullible does she think I am? (Don't answer that). So... here's my next question: is Ginger as enamoured with Sitka as you are? Because if ya'll do move there, I'd love to come visit. Heh! ~~~~ I hope you're having a grand time w/ Colin. Sure looking forward to seeing photos! Back here in the Great Norwthwest, it's the final countdown to my singlehood. 07/07/07 and I'm officially off the market. Jason said that's the day when scores of men around the world will weep, gnash their teeth, and pull their chest hairs out. By his count, there's going to be a lot of blotchy-chested men about. But I digress. Keep the posts coming. I'm so happy for you both that you're on this adventure together!
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